Why I’m NOT getting an iPad 2!
Yes, today, March 11th, 2011, is launch day for Apple’s new iPad, the iPad 2.
I pre-ordered the iPad 1 and eagerly awaited the Fedex guy to deliver my oversized iPhone. I’ve loved using my iPad since them, HOWEVER, I’m NOT getting the new one. Don’t get me wrong it is another magical device and how can I go against David Pogue of the NY Times and CNet.Guess what, I’m actually going in the other direction. I officially handed over my iPad 1, 64GB to my wife and she loves it! I have a big screen iMac for work, however I need a device that can travel with me. So, I’ve done lots of thinking and research and I’m opting for the 11″ MacBook Air.
Surprised, here are my reasons:
- I need a real keyboard. The keyboard on the iPad is great, but it takes up half the screen. You also cannot rest your figures on the keyboard. I also don’t want to lug around a wireless keyboard. MacBookAir: 1, iPad: 0.
- I want (not need) a very small and light device to carry with me. MacBookAir: 1, iPad: 1.
- It must be cool. MacBookAir: 1, iPad: 1.
- I use logmein for my hosting business, ClickHOST.com. I need access to my servers and cloud-based software and yes, you can do it with the iPad, but I found it cumbersome. Logmein on the MacBook Air is as if you are working on your desktop computer. Although a much smaller version :-). MacBookAir: 1, iPad: 0.5.
- I need to see 2 windows at one time. MacBookAir: 1, iPad: 0.
- I don’t want the device to be a barrier when I’m meeting somebody. The iPad is awesome in this regard, and a full laptop is bad. The MBA 11″ is a good compromise. MacBookAir: 0.5, iPad: 1.
- The iPad has an awesome battery, over 10 hours. That should last you a day. I’ve really enjoyed NOT having to carry a charger with me. The MacBook Air’s battery is ok at 5 hours. It should get me thru most of my day. MacBookAir: 0.5, iPad: 2.
- Backup for my iMac. I can also quickly connect my USB backup drive to my MacBookAir if my iMac had a problem. MacBookAir: 1, iPad: 0.
- Streaming movies, access to my favorite websites, iTunes, etc: MacBookAir: 1, iPad: 1.
- Instant on/off. MacBookAir: 1, iPad: 1.
- Not having to clean the screen — priceless!
In summary: I’m getting a 11″ MacBookAir and my wife’s getting the iPad.PS: My son is buying his own iPad 2 today. He sold his iPad 1 yesterday.Question: What do you think? Did I make the right decision?
Read MoreBest iPhone App ever – Consulting Rate Calculator
OK, I’m bias. I’m so excited about this that I’m giving away 2 $10 iTunes vouchers. See below.I spent most of my professional career calculating margins on consulting rates, including doing conversions between different currencies, calculating hourly, daily and monthly rates. Well, now I have a handy little iPhone App, called Consulting Rate Calculator that can do all this for me and more. Here is a screen shot:
There are 2 versions: A 2-buck version that you can find here, and a and a free or lite version that you can find here. Here is the description from the App Store: Consulting Rate Calculator enables you to quickly and easily calculate your hourly, daily, weekly and monthly rates and profit. The app offers an intuitive and simple interface with the ability to view, edit, save and email your rate sheets. Switch currencies with ease or updating any charge out rate or cost rate cell in the sheet to assist in determining the optimal rate structure for your next project.Key Features:>> Hourly, daily, weekly and monthly values all editable and visible in a single sheet.>> Multiple currencies with selectable base and comparable currencies (Limited currencies available in lite version).>> Exchange rates updated in realtime.>> Save rate sheets for later viewing/editing (Full version only).>> E-mail rate sheets in CSV format (Full version only).>> Configurable hours per day, week and month.Usage Examples:1. A consulting manager can save his/her team’s rates for quick lookup. Quickly lookup a consultant’s rate structure when getting a call at the airport for a specific position.2. The manager of a multinational consulting firm can enter the charge out rate in GBP and the cost rate in USD to review the profit of a US-based consultant working in the UK.The guys at Cobi Interactive in Cape Town, South Africa did an awesome job with these apps. They develop mobile apps for almost any mobile device, including: iPhone, iPad, Android, Nokia, Blackberry, Samsung Galaxy Tab, etc. Post a comment and I’ll put you in touch with them.Give-away
I have 2 iTunes $10 vouchers to give away. Here’s how it will work. Download the app, write a review on the AppStore and re-post that review in the comments below (including your email address as the contributor) and I will pick 2 random posts** and email you the $10 iTunes voucher.
**Small print: I need at least 20 reviews to make the math work. I’m sure you’ll understand.
Read MoreiPad is the new Apple killer device…
It’s official it’s the Apple iPad. See Engadget’s live blogging. Here’s a picture one of this first official pictures:

Apple iPad

Apple iPad
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